How Much VRAM Do You Need

Last Updated:  10-19-2019

Video card memory (VRAM) temporarily stores data for quick retrieval. The more video memory you have, the more image information your video card can store away for quick and easy access.

These are not official guidelines. They are my opinions on the matter.

Type of ComputerRecommended Video RAM
Office / Work Computers
(for non-Multimedia use)
1-2GB of VRAM
Gaming / Multimedia Systems (<1080p)2-4GB of VRAM
Gaming / Multimedia (1080p)4GB of VRAM
Gaming / Multimedia (2k)6-8GB of VRAM
Gaming / Multimedia (4k)8-12GB of VRAM


“Office / Work Computers” — any computer that is used for word processing, spreadsheets, and anything else that is generally used in an office.

“Gaming / Multimedia” — any computer that is used to play games, develop FX effects for videos, video editing, etc.

Posted in Computers